Name: Cristiane Alves da Silva do Nascimento
Type: PhD thesis
Publication date: 23/04/2019

Namesort descending Role
Luiz Fernando Duboc da Silva Co-advisor *
Maurício Hostim Silva Advisor *

Examining board:

Namesort descending Role
Agnaldo Silva Martins Internal Examiner *
Ana Paula Cazerta Farro Internal Alternate *
Érica Maria Pellegrini Caramaschi External Examiner *
Fabrício de Andrade Frehse External Examiner *
Leonardo Ferreira da Silva Ingenito External Alternate *
Luiz Fernando Duboc da Silva Co advisor *
Maurício Hostim Silva Advisor *
Sérgio Lucena Mendes Internal Examiner *

The Atlantic rain Forest has been substituted for several economic activities and, among those responsible for the modification of aquatic environments, agriculture and the establishment of cities near water resources are two of the main sources of damages to the river basins, causing changes in the channel, reduction the availability of habitats, extinction of species, among others. The objective of this study was to verify if there is a difference in the ichthyofauna of medium and highly impacted environments, and to understand if small fragments of forest are sufficient to maintain the stability of the aquatic environment in rivers with high anthropogenic pressure; and II - to evaluate the feeding of fish species occurring in two parts of a highly impacted river in the north of the state of Espírito Santo, in order to understand if, in a degraded river, a small stretch of riparian forest is sufficient to maintain the quality of the aquatic life that lives there. The work was carried out in the River Itaúnas located in the state of Espírito Santo. In this river the greatest indicators of anthropic impact were the presence of alien species, absence of points with Habitat Integrity Index within the high class and dominance of tolerant species. Signs of lower quality of the most impacted point are in the results obtained with the condition factor and the low number of trophic guilds, followed by a large number of species with high food overlays, an indicative of greater homogenization of the environment and supply of few food items. Feeding in both the forested and impacted environments was predominantly autochthonous, indicating that the Itaúnas river basin is degraded to the whole. However, the presence of a greater number of guilds in the forested environment may be indicative that a small fragment of forest still presents nuances that indicates that this is a place that offers larger niches to be explored by the fish community. It is possible to conclude that, even in highly degraded environments, small forest fragments are important for the maintenance of the aquatic biota, since they remain more stable and offer a greater range of niches to be explored.
Key words: Atlantic rain forest, degradation, feeding, diversity.

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